"Eyy b0ss can i habe de pusi b0ss?" not associtated with filthy frank in any way

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Fully animated shot

My fully animated shot for the T.V intro

Painted background

My 100% authentic original traditionally Acrylic painted Backgroundds for our T.V intro

My shot layout

Here's my shot layout for our T.V intro assessment

T.V show intro Assessment ANIMATIC

These are some shots of the animatic of the T.V show intro we've been doing for our assessment.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Dialogue: 1.21 Gigawatts!!??

Start of a new term and we had to do some dialogue practice with the famous line "1.21 Gigawatts!? How am i going to generate that kind of power?" from Back to the future using this chap.
and here's me final result

Sunday, 20 September 2015

[Delayed post] Special effects assessment

these are all the special effects i ended up making for the our SFX assessment.

[Delayed post] King inbetweens

We had to do a king inbetween practice thingy. was really difficult because of the amount of frames we had to do. But i guess i got it done.